We aren’t going to candy coat this. The best way to save money on gas is to take care of your automobile. Preventative maintenance is designed to keep your engine running as efficiently as possible. It is this efficiency that conserves gasoline or diesel fuel. RI Automotive is here for all of your preventative maintenance needs, and we can make sure that you get as many miles-per-gallon out of each full tank of gas as possible. Aside from maintaining your automobile, try the following.
Drive Slower
Slowing down even 10 mph can help increase your gas mileage. Speeding around burns more fuel because your engine requires more fuel to go faster. According to AAA, you get the best gas mileage at 50 mph. You drive faster than this on highways, but there is no need to go crazy. Keep in mind your engine is burning through the fuel the faster you go.
Take It Easy
Automobile commercials are famous for touting that their cars can go zero to 60 in a matter of seconds. If you try to do this, you’ve just blown through gasoline or diesel fuel unnecessary. Starting quick uses more gasoline, as does increasing your acceleration by punching the pedal to the floorboard. Take it easy on your automobile and you will conserve fuel.
Don’t Make a Ton of Stops
Running errands can wreak havoc on your gas mileage. Not only are you likely driving on city streets and getting stuck at red lights, but you are also making a ton of stops. You can save gasoline by consolidating your stops if you can. In other words, if you can make all of your stops in one commercial center, do so. Just park your automobile and use your feet to get you where you need to go.
Avoid Excessive Idling
Any time you can avoid idling, this saves fuel. If you can work alternate hours so you aren’t driving during rush hour, this helps prevent you from sitting in traffic and idling. Slow down on city streets so you can time the traffic signals so you always hit them on the green. Turn off your engine if you are waiting for a passenger or sitting in the McDonald’s drive-thru line.
Use Your Cruise Control
Finally, cruise control makes driving your car easier and more enjoyable, but that isn’t the only thing it does. Cruise control maintains your speed effectively so it isn’t going up and down by a few miles in each direction. This saves fuel, so drive using your cruise control when you can.
Again, maintaining your automobile increases its fuel efficiency, so call RI Automotive in Tampa, FL, today. We’ll schedule a service appointment for you.