We are serious. If your brakes squeal every time you use them, swing by RI Automotive for a brake inspection. We can figure out the source of the annoying noise and repair it. Below is a list of brake system parts and a situation that will cause your brakes to squeal. Don’t take chances with this crucial safety system. Head to our auto service shop in Tampa right away.
Anti-Rattle Clips
The brake system is equipped with clips that are designed to hold the brake pads still so they don’t wiggle when you use the brakes. If the brake pads vibrate, the brakes will squeal. Unfortunately, over time, these clips can break and cause the brakes to squeal. The squealing sound that you hear is the brake pads shimmying because they aren’t being held still.
Brake Pads
The brake pads can also make your brakes squeal if they are wearing down. Most brake pads have a noisemaker embedded in each pad that is designed to alert you when it’s time to replace the brake pads. In other words, once the pads reach 1/4-of-an-inch, the noisemakers will squeal when you apply the brakes to tell you that you need to head to our shop for a brake pad replacement.
There is also a situation that will cause the brakes to squeal and this situation is overheating. Unfortunately, driving your vehicle when the brakes are too hot is extremely dangerous because once the brake system reaches a certain temperature, the brakes will fail. If you hear squealing and smell hot odors when you apply the brakes, have your vehicle towed to our shop.
Pad Insulation
Brake insulation is installed when the brake system is originally assembled to keep the brake pads silent when you press down on the brake pedal. Every time you have the pads replaced the insulation needs to be replaced, as well. If an inexperienced technician, which is something you won’t find at our shop, fails to replace the insulation, your brakes are going to squeal.
Finally, the pads are pressed against the rotors to generate friction. This friction slows down and stop your automobile by creating kinetic energy. After years of having the pads pressed against them, the rotor surfaces can smooth out. When they do, the brakes will squeal.
RI Automotive in Tampa, FL, is here to help, so bring us up today to set up a service appointment for your car, truck, or utility vehicle’s brake system.