
Diesel Engine Benefits That Make These Automobiles Worth a Look

We here at RI Automotive are automotive service and repair experts whether you drive a diesel or gasoline engine. We do work on diesel engines and we love them. Diesel engines aren’t as dirty as they used to be and they offer some benefits to their drivers that make considering these automobiles worth your while. Let’s talk about these benefits below so we can hopefully change your mind about diesel engines.

Better Gas Mileage

The diesel engines of today offer gas mileage the rivals hybrid vehicles. We aren’t kidding when we say this. Diesel fuel gives you more miles per gallon than gasoline does, and many diesel vehicle drivers realize as much as 30 percent better gas mileage than they would if they were driving a gasoline-powered automobile. This not only saves you money because you don’t have to fill up as often, but it also reduces your reliance on fossil fuel because you don’t fill up as often.

Energy-Dense Fuel

The reason why diesel engines get such good gas mileage is that diesel fuel is thick and energy-dense. What this means in layperson’s terms is that the fuel is capable of producing more energy yet using less fuel than gasoline does. In other words, a full tank of diesel fuel will last longer because it takes less fuel to generate the energy the vehicle needs to start up and run.

Glow Plugs Instead of Spark Plugs

Another benefit of diesel engines is that they use glow plugs instead of spark plugs. Glow plugs only ignite when you start your diesel engine. After that, they go into hibernation. Spark plugs ignite when you start your car and continue to fire until you shut your car off. This means that the spark plugs wear out much more quickly than the glow plugs do. You won’t replace your glow plugs as often.

More Power

Because of their ability to generate high heat and compression, diesel engines produce more power than gasoline engines do. This is the primary reason why big rigs use diesel engines instead of gasoline engines. You will get more torque out of your diesel engine, which means you will be able to start faster from a stop and produce more power as you drive.

Stronger Engine

Naturally, the engine must be built to withstand the high heat and compression, and diesel engines are built to do just that. These engines last much longer than gasoline engines do because they are built to be durable and strong. In other words, you’ll get more mileage out of your diesel automobile.

RI Automotive is the best auto shop in Tampa FL, and as we said above, we work on both diesel and gasoline-powered automobiles. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

Photo by HPCPHOTO from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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